You can support the ESUG conference in many different ways:
We are looking for YOUR experience on using Smalltalk. You will have 30 min for presentations and 45-60 min for hands-on tutorials.
The list of topics for the normal talks and tutorials includes, but is not limited to the following:
We expect to have several 10 to 15 min sessions aggregated.
Pay attention: the places are limited so do not wait till the last minute to apply. Prospective presenters should submit a request to Stephane.Ducasse at AND USE THE following header [ESUG 2016 Developers].
Please follow the template below the email will be automatically processed!
Subject: [ESUG 2016 Developers] + your name
First Name:
Last Name:
Email where you can always be reached:
Type: Tutorial/Talk/Teaching Pearl
Any presentation not respecting this form will be discarded automatically.
Read the page: IWST 2016
The top 3 teams with the most innovative software will receive, respectively, 500 Euros, 300 Euros and 200 Euros during an awards ceremony at the conference. Developers of any Smalltalk-based software are welcome to compete.
More information ...
If you are a student wanting to attend ESUG, have you considered being a student volunteer? Student volunteers help keep the conference running smoothly; in return, they have free accommodations, while still having most of the time to enjoy the conference.
More information at Student-Volunteer
We hope to see you there and have fun together.