ESUG 2023 International Conference

The 29th ESUG conference/summer-school will be held in Lyon, France from 28.8.2023 to 01.9.2023 (with Camp Smalltalk 26/27.8.2023). It will be a great event! Check out the program

Conference calls

Conference Venue

The conference will be held at the IUT Lumiere.

Address: Bâtiment 1, IUT Lumière Lyon 2 – 160 boulevard de l’Université - 69676 BRON CEDEX

Conference registration

Early registration deadline: 15/06/2023

Orientational conference prices from ESUG 2022 in Euros:

  • Early Registration Fee: 500€ (all days) / 150€ (per day)
  • Late Registration Fee: 700€ (all days) / 250€ (per day)
  • Extra person to social dinner: 60€
  • Payment by bank transfer: free of charge
  • Payment by credit card: +6% fees

Conference program

International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies IWST

ESUG hosts also an international workshop.

Innovation Technology Awards - 18th Edition

Share your Smalltalk related code with the community, and enter the contest to win up to 500 Euros! All you have to do is submit your project along with a 3-5 min videos and post it to youtube!

Student volunteer call

ESUG offers hosting and conference access to 15 students. See Call for Student Volunteers

Conference live

Social Event

The social event is will take place at (to be announced). During the diner, results of the various ESUG awards will be announced.

If you want to attend the social event with an additional person, you can pay an extra fee for the person directly during your registration for the conference.