IWST 24 Information and Call For Papers

IWST 24 — International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies Lille, France; July 8th to 11th, 2024


You will find the program here.

Goals and scope

The goals of the workshop is to create a forum around contributions and experiences in building or using technologies related to Smalltalk. While maturity of presented ideas and results is not crucial, it is expected that their presentation triggers discussion and exchange of ideas. The topics of your paper can be on all aspect of Smalltalk, theoretical as well as practical. Authors are invited to submit research articles or industrial papers.

Extended abstract submission: This year's IWST organizes a track on Already Published Papers. More information.

Important Dates (All in AoE - Anywhere on Earth)

  • Extended abstract submission deadline: March 31st, 2024 April 7th, 2024
  • Extended abstract notification deadline: April 7th, 2024 April 17th, 2024
  • Early registration deadline: April 15th, 2024 April 19th, 2024
  • Full/short paper submission deadline: May 19th, 2024 May 31th, 2024 AoE.
  • Full/short paper first-round notification deadline: June 30th, 2024
  • Workshop: July 9-10, 2024
  • Full/short paper resubmission deadline: July 21st, 2024
  • Full/short paper final notification deadline: July 31st, 2024
  • Camera ready package submission deadline: August 25th, 2024


We welcome contributions on all aspects, theoretical as well as practical, of Smalltalk related topics such as:

  • Code Analysis
  • Automated Testing
  • Debugging
  • Compilers, Virtual Machines and Language implementations
  • Meta-programming and Meta-modeling
  • Refactorings
  • Design patterns
  • Experience reports
  • Libraries and frameworks
  • New dialects or languages implemented in Smalltalk
  • Interaction and integration with other languages
  • Tools

Submissions, reviews, and selection

Authors interested to present their work at the IWST 2024 are invited to submit an abstract of the intended talk before the extended abstract submission deadline. The extended abstract should be not longer than 2 pages following the CEUR ART style. Author of the submitted extended abstratcs will be notified and invited to present their work by the extended abstract notification deadline which enables presenters to register at the early registration prices.

IWST invites everybody to submit full/short papers to be considered to be plublished in the IWST 2024 Proceedings. Papers can both be presented in the conference and appear in proceedings independently of the initially submitted abstracts.

We are looking for papers of two kinds:

  • Short position papers (5 to 10 pages) describing fresh ideas and early results.
  • Full research papers (more than 10 pages) with deeper description of experiments and of research results.

Paper accepted for publishing will be published within a CEUR-WS Proceedings. Hence, both submissions and final papers must be prepared using the CEUR ART style. We recommend to use the template in single column style, although you may use two colums. CEUR proceedings accepts papers in boths styles as soon as they use the template and have 5 or more pages.

All submissions must be sent via EasyChair submission page.

Pay attention, for organisation constraints, when submitting your article you are expected to register to the conference and pay the conference fees.


As the workshop format encourages bringing fresh ideas and early results to be presented and discussed, and aims for giving a chance to young community members to learn and grow, we will allow submissions with a discussion potential to be conditionally accepted. In this case, authors are expected to follow the recommendations of the reviewers.

Consequently, the reviewing process will be organized in two rounds:

  • in the first round, all submissions will be reviewed by at least 3 reviewers. Based on these reviews authors will receive a notification with reviewers comments, advices, and requirements, and papers that are not rejected will be invited to be resubmitted in an improved form together with change log and answrers to the reviewers.
  • in the second round, PC chairs in collaboration with the reviewers where needed and possible, will evaluate the improved paper version and notifiy authors about final decision on acceptance/rejection.

Best Paper Award

To encourage the submission of high-quality ideas, contributions, and papers, the IWST organizing committee is very proud to announce a Award competition in the categories of best idea, best contribution to the community and best paper for this edition of IWST.

The ranking will be decided by the program committee during the review process and by the audience voting during the conference.

The awards will be given during the ESUG conference social event.

The Awards will take place only with a minimum of six submissions. Notice also that to be eligible, a paper/abstract must be presented at the workshop by one of the author and that the presenting author must be registered at the ESUG conference.

Program chairs

  • Steven Costiou, Inria Lille, France (chair),
  • Guille Polito, Inria Lille, France (chair),
  • Gordana Rakic, University of Novi Sad, Serbia (chair)

Program committee

  • Vincent Blondeau, Lifeware, Switzerland,
  • Eric Lepors, Thales DMS, France,
  • Dave Mason, Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, Canada,
  • Ana-Maria Oprescu, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands,
  • Jean Privat, University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada,
  • Larisa Safina, Inria Lille, France,
  • Benoît Verhaeghe, Berger-Levrault, Lyon, France,
  • Oleksandr Zaytsev, Cirad, UMR SENS, MUSE, Université de Montpellier, France
  • Marra Matteo, Nokia Bell Labs
  • Bragagnolo Santiago, Mosaic
  • Degiovanni Renzo, LIST, Luxembourg
  • Imen Sayar, University of Lille, France
  • Vincent Verbeque